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Career Advising for College Student or new Grad

Decisions! Decisions! What career is best for me?

College students or recent grads struggle with many issues. You can feel overwhelmed when choosing a major or career.  Pressure to make the “right” career choice for the rest of your life seems impossible.  At the same time, you don’t want to get stuck in a job that has you counting the hours until it is time to go home.

The good news is that we can help you GPS your career search so that you avoid taking the wrong direction. Whether you need help with your career choice, including educational advising, or employment issues such as, writing a resume, interview skills practice, or finding a job, we can help.

We have a 15 year track record of helping college students and recent grads with career decisions. 

Here’s how to get started...

Contact Laurie Brown today for a Free Consult. Career Counseling in San Diego - Image 2