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Our mission is to help individuals of all ages and stages of their life to choose a career path or find employment that is a good fit with their personality, interests, and personal values. Whether you are a young person just beginning your career journey, a mid-career professional, or an individual thinking of retiring and wondering what comes next, we are here to help you with solutions.

Individual Career and Employment Counseling: It can be frustrating and intimidating to make career and life decisions, or to find the right job. We offer in-person consultation services, as well as telephone and email to accommodate your needs. We are able to offer top quality services at economical prices. Saturday and evening appointments are available.

Career Assessment Testing: Self-knowledge is crucial in finding the best career for you, but knowing who you are takes time and effort so it is easy to avoid. We use powerful career assessment tools to help you design a career path that fits your inborn personality and interest areas.

Job Search Strategies: Explore proven techniques to find employment in a struggling economy.

Resume Development: We have assisted hundreds of individuals from entry level to senior executives develop a custom resume and targeted cover letter that is sure to get an interview.

Job Interview Preparation: Learn the top 10 interview questions asked and practice one on one with the counselor.

Career Development for Organizations: CAREER ROADMAP provides professional development training and team building experiences to help your organization perform at its best. Group workshops are available upon request.

If you have more specific service-related questions, please contact us. We'd love to hear from you.

We invite you to complete the contact form and then we'll be able to call or email you with the information you've requested. We strive to understand and exceed your expectations.